JieGuan Take Over Class Config Editor Interface

JieGuan Take Over Class Config Editor Interface v1029

You will need a key to access the jieguan take over bot class config editor interface.


More info and a video tutorial to be added. Contact admin to request a key as it will be separate, you will be contacted for eligibility to early test.

You will currently see the options for sorceress & paladin, and the ability to save your class config files after choosing your settings making setup very easy.


We will be adding the rest of the class configs as well along with loot long sync to user profile for marketplaces once established as it can auto post listings of items to the specified marketplaces.

It is all pretty self explanatory if you have any issues feel free to contact us.

Pick your act and areas to farm, soon to be available questing clearing so that will be added in with the rest of the classes. Feel free to customize your other class config files as you see fit.
Select chest types, clearing paths, gambling options, ghost hunting, inventory options are now also configurable from checking and unchecking boxes.
Currently no issues reported, so if you receive a key please give us your feedback at your earliest convenience. We will be giving out 6 day keys and whoever shows established interest will get a monthly key at no extra cost of course, we would like some feedback on the tool as it always appreciated to constantly improve.

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