----first game set windows mode. 1280*720 , and unclick auto-pick gold buttom----
1.download win10 1909
TechBench by WZT (v4.1.1)
This website was created with simplicity in mind. Here you can easily download products directly from Microsoft. This website neither its author are not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation.
2.install win10 1909
3.block the windows update . close firewall and Virus killing
4.install all hardware driver.
5.install c++
6.run CMD as admin.
type : sc stop hvrb
and click enter
7.download latest bot version at https://www.afkbots.com/resources/gid-d2r-bot.27/download
8.open day file >>run day.exe , check the Task Manager the day.exe and D2R.exe process hide or not , if hide
can go on click start . if not hide. close it. -----very important!! lmk if got problem of this.
9.if any bug please report . base on much code rewrite . so maybe some bug there.
10.still some risk of ban there . so dont run more than one account on your pc.