Bug Report

In reply to Style.exe: [<@240134432122601474>]

Either your bot navmesh is not properly downloaded or profile blacklisted areas which should not have done it. Which profile it is?
In reply to strauch: [character not running to corpse when dying in this area]

I will check but also pls check with profile author if he did not blocked that place on the navmesh


New member
Borean tundra elementals 70-76 from paco. Dk, 72 lvl, blood elf, no vm. When i stay in Bor'gorok outpost bot try to attack npc. Sometimes he'll run there himself and stand afk, in an endless attempt to hit the npc. Nothing shows up in the console, when I started the bot from bor'gorok it wrote gringding to 74 level started and tried to hit npc again.