Bug Report


In reply to KCLEC: [Version : WOTLK Classic
Profil : [A][Grinding][1-12] Teldrasill - Nightelf Starting Zone.cs (v1.28) (same with the Autoloader 1-80 version)
Class : Night Elf Druid

Hello <@206452886761242634> the profile still poses a problem, it farms Young Nightsaber infinitely. If I stop the profile and restart it several times it switches to wild boars but when it returns the quest it does not take the next 2 (only one).

Run exemple : https://www.veed.io/view/d1df7994-7785-4c2c-9ab2-07fb4f899bbb?panel=share]

again, real nice report! but it should work just fine.. weird, let me check


I see your changelog yesterday you write "fixed [A][Era][Grinding][1-12] Teldrasill - Nightelf Starting Zone" but my problem is on WOTLK


I noticed that if I stop/restart the profile several times it ends up validating the Nightsaber condition and switching to wild boars. He returns it, takes a quest but is unable to take the second (in the logs it is noted that he cannot find quest ID XX)


In reply to pacokeks: [close your bot, open it, load the profile and try again. please really close the bot, else it wont work]

Still the same problem, I closed the bot, killed all the bot processes, restarted the computer and restarted properly on a new character.


I've tried about 15 times over 3 different days, there must be something else blocking me. I will try to completely reinstall the bot