

New member
Order Eye
Required Level: 74
10% Faster Cast Rate
58 to Attack Rating
6% Mana stolen per hit
7% Life stolen per hit
50 to Mana
Cold Resist 22%


01-12-2022 18:47:11:
Ghost Wand
One-Hand Damage: 20 to 40
Durability: 13 of 14
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 48
Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed
2 to Bone Spirit (Necromancer Only)
3 to Lower Resist (Necromancer Only)
3 to Bone Spear (Necromancer Only)
50% Damage to Undead



New member
Rare Ring: Raven Gyre Ring (req lvl 66)

Worth keeping?: Definitely Keep

Max Sigma: 1.50

=== Mods (5 / 7) ===

FCR - 10 / 10 (Perfect)

AttackRating - 94 / 150 (High)

FireDmg - 3 / 6 (average)

Strength - 20 / 20 (Perfect)

FireRes - 30 / 30 (Perfect)

=== Scores by use case ===

Caster PvM score: 58.2 / 100 (Very High)

Caster PvP score: 58.2 / 100 (Very High)

Melee PvM score: 31.6 / 100 (Average)

Melee PvP score: 43.9 / 100 (Very High)


New member
Probably the best thing I've found so far

02-12-2022 06:46:19:
Dread Mask
Defense: 23
Durability: 35 of 35
Required Level: 67
2 to Necromancer Skill Levels
20% Faster Cast Rate
Adds 21-57 fire damage
26 to Strength
All Resistances 17