Main Chat


In reply to iDesperadoZi: [Can u set the verification on German? Or u need to video call with an English guy 🤣]

german it is


In reply to Exeutiy: [Use chatgbt with windows voice to text and ask chatgbt to translate this from English to German]

they will instant stop the call, you gotta watch the whole time in the camera in an specific angle etc, really fucked
In reply to Bobipudkata: [lol this sounds crazy, for binance?? i remember just sending a selfie and my drivers license, lool]

Where u live?
It’s most likely only in Germany and some other EU Country’s where u have such a complicated verification and it’s not binance fault it’s the law here
In reply to pacokeks: [There is literally no issue after verification, I love it]

Wenn ich schon lese das man am Tag so und so oft sich versuchen kann zu verifizieren und so und so oft in der Woche nur versuchen darf scheint es an der Tagesordnung zu sein 5-10 Versuche zu brauchen und darauf habe ich 0 Bock 🤣