Main Chat


New member
In reply to Merdos: [you can buy a horse like pinto and try again with that]

Could the issue with summoned mounts not working be because you don't need the riding skill to use them and the bot/profile checks riding skills for mount usage (as far as I'm aware)?


In reply to Innersilence: [Could the issue with summoned mounts not working be because you don't need the riding skill to use them and the bot/profile checks riding skills for mount usage (as far as I'm aware)?]

my profile checks for it to buy it, but yeah bot does it too i think <@240134432122601474> gotta check that


New member
My lock will hit 40 soon, will test to see if i can use the summoned mount and if buying riding helps at all aswell


New member
In reply to Innersilence

A big shout out to <@240134432122601474> <@762966782179934269> for the great after sale support!