New People Chat


New member
When i play a profile my hunter runs into mobs and than attack after they attack my char. The mobs arent gray my clear path is on, active engage is on. I feel like i am the mob on the map the mobs are players 😄


today in wetfall got stuck when bot tried to attack a mob he couldnt see, had to help him a bit after 20 min of just endless looping not getting the stuck or anything message


when recording an unstuck route, is there any reason it is not automatically transferred to all characters of my account instead of having to import them?


Also not sure if its possible to safe unstuck routes with a name so i can share them easy with other people? pritty sure everyone using tnkr having quests in fargo mine and then dying being stuck on top of the mountain or behind it because the bot want to go straight thru the mountain. i made all unstuck routes making the bot walk towards the entrance now and it seems to work really well