New People Chat


New member
In reply to Merovingian: [
<@341913942924460036> Just checking - what would you suggest? stop using in pvp for sure for now, anything else?]

If they could detect unlockers they wouldn't be teasing new tech they've been testing, they wouldve just ban waved everyone.

We don't really know, noone does. Coming from a security background, I have a guess from a couple of clues as to what this new tech is, but take it with a massive grain of salt. I could just as easily be completely wrong.

Clue 1: They just fired 1200 people, a lot of them were GMs, so this isn't going to be human powered.

Clue 2: The quote from the blue post above - "when you see that stuff and when you report it, it actually helps us clamp down on that new method as well"

Clue 3: They acknowledged the videos/screenshots of trains of bots running places. Every time one of these pops off it's an embarassment to their security team

Im tipping some kind of AI powered player behavior analysis.
I think they will begin logging more data than usual about player actions for lower trust accounts (newer accounts, cheap regional subs, immediately high playtime, maybe even authenticator status/account security scores etc).
As bots get banned from reports, they could use the logged player data to generate "signatures" on botting behavior, and watch for similar behavior across other accounts. This is a pretty common approach over the last couple of years in antivirus software called heuristic analysis.


New member
If I'm correct, the same safe botting rules probably apply as always, but probably more important now. A lot of these are easy for small one or two account operations to implement, harder for large scale operations. But the large scale operators don't need my advice anyway, they're already miles ahead of small timers like me
-Ramp the account on slowly, even better if by hand where possible
-Don't do the same thing repeatedly. Herbing and mining a zone for 12h a day is not similar to player behavior
-If im correct about their method above, the most important thing you can do will be to use safer profiles. Private profiles you made yourself (that aren't in retarded high traffic areas) > premium profiles > default profiles. If they're looking at player behavior, following a known botting profile path is going to be a quick way to get banned going forward


New member
In reply to M9Shyamalan: [If they could detect unlockers they wouldn't be teasing new tech they've been testing, they wouldve just ban waved everyone.

We don't really know, noone does. Coming from a security background, I have a guess from a couple of clues as to what this new tech is, but take it with a massive grain of salt. I could just as easily be completely wrong.

Clue 1: They just fired 1200 people, a lot of them were GMs, so this isn't going to be human powered.

Clue 2: The quote from the blue post above - "when you see that stuff and when you report it, it actually helps us clamp down on that new method as well"

Clue 3: They acknowledged the videos/screenshots of trains of bots running places. Every time one of these pops off it's an embarassment to their security team

Im tipping some kind of AI powered player behavior analysis.
I think they will begin logging more data than usual about player actions for lower trust accounts (newer accounts, cheap regional subs, immediately high playtime, maybe even authenticator status/account security scores etc).
As bots get banned from reports, they could use the logged player data to generate "signatures" on botting behavior, and watch for similar behavior across other accounts. This is a pretty common approach over the last couple of years in antivirus software called heuristic analysis.]

i was thinking exactly the same thing, but there's also a third option like you said they'd have just banned everyone.
it's possible they have some sort of reinforcement learning ai that is essentially logging what people are doing and then comparing to what people are reporting, but that's not going to always guarantee they're banning non-bots

i think it's highly possible they had something on the table and their ace in the hole was GDKP bans to attempt to stop bot demand indirectly, but they weren't expecting the massive layoffs. so they basically just announced it anyway to try to bluff gold sellers or botters

either way i think one way to fight back is to report normal non-botting players. because if it is some reinforcement learning AI it'll get bad reinforcement
aside from not looking like a bot 24/7 as you said


New member
In reply to shartmaster: [i was thinking exactly the same thing, but there's also a third option like you said they'd have just banned everyone.
it's possible they have some sort of reinforcement learning ai that is essentially logging what people are doing and then comparing to what people are reporting, but that's not going to always guarantee they're banning non-bots

i think it's highly possible they had something on the table and their ace in the hole was GDKP bans to attempt to stop bot demand indirectly, but they weren't expecting the massive layoffs. so they basically just announced it anyway to try to bluff gold sellers or botters

either way i think one way to fight back is to report normal non-botting players. because if it is some reinforcement learning AI it'll get bad reinforcement
aside from not looking like a bot 24/7 as you said]

This is true, though i do wonder if report spamming would become suspicious in an of itself


New member
it probably would if you reported everyone over time, but in the beginning everyone is going to be reporting everything. i dunno this whole thing stinks, i wonder how long it's going to last