New People Chat


New member
In reply to Neuroxium

<@343367590564855808> I was just looking at your SoD rotations in the Community Store. Will you be updating them as Phase 2 comes out? And will we have to pay more, or would the update be free for people who purchased already? Thanks
In reply to woobeforethesun: [<@343367590564855808> I was just looking at your SoD rotations in the Community Store. Will you be updating them as Phase 2 comes out? And will we have to pay more, or would the update be free for people who purchased already? Thanks]

They will be


In reply to woobeforethesun: [is there any 'non-crypto' method to pay for things on the community store?]

You could ask the people offering it if they accept PayPal


In reply to woobeforethesun: [<@343367590564855808> it was one of your profiles that I was wondering about 🙂]

I do accept PayPal, just DM me and we’ll figure it out there 🙂


Active member
also I am afraid you didnt read the guide or anything for that matter, but I am willing to be proven wrong