New People Chat


New member
Hey fellas, not sure if this is the appropriate channel to ask this but:
As far as gold farming, grinding, etc, whether dungeon or in world, is there anything a (bot) hunter does that a mage can't do or doesn't do as efficiently?

I ask this taking into consideration future and possibly current instance farming bot profiles


In reply to F3ew: [Hey fellas, not sure if this is the appropriate channel to ask this but:
As far as gold farming, grinding, etc, whether dungeon or in world, is there anything a (bot) hunter does that a mage can't do or doesn't do as efficiently?

I ask this taking into consideration future and possibly current instance farming bot profiles]

Hunters are great overall cause they can wear leather, have a pet tank, and do nice damage, so farming mobs or what ever is easy, mages are squishier and if they get multiple mobs on them can die fast


In reply to Lucian: [Guys , Is it working on wmware?]

and yes lots of people use VM's, havent seen a flood of messages saying its not working so must be


New member
In reply to Mando: [Hunters are great overall cause they can wear leather, have a pet tank, and do nice damage, so farming mobs or what ever is easy, mages are squishier and if they get multiple mobs on them can die fast]

yea thought so. Thanks.
Then for dungeon farming mages would be best right? They can round up many more mobs and aoe them down faster than a hunter.
I don't recall any particular dungeon or raid farm in classic that a hunter could do better, or am I wrong?


Active member
I assume you want to get your position, and I understand why you think this function should do that, but your wrong