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In reply to Sefuefer: [Any way to make a hunter in retail just do a pull and return to a specific place without killing the mobs?]



New member
I already read it, but there is nothing that explains to me how to walk 10 yards, pull a mob and return to the place where you start


New member
I will try to post my question once again. I´m having a LOT of trouble figuring out exactly how to start the bot smartest, as it often takes me serveral try´s and restart of the PC (due to session already running, after first failed attempt). In what order do you execute a launch? Step 1-3 ish please. I have tried to run the readme first until it has loaded, then I run the Nnloader. and launch the game right after. This is what I have best success with, but its far from 60% success rate.. I honestly don´t know what it works sometimes and other times it takes me 15min.. So please let me know how you guys do it. Thanks 🙂


New member
In reply to lameaim: [I will try to post my question once again. I´m having a LOT of trouble figuring out exactly how to start the bot smartest, as it often takes me serveral try´s and restart of the PC (due to session already running, after first failed attempt). In what order do you execute a launch? Step 1-3 ish please. I have tried to run the readme first until it has loaded, then I run the Nnloader. and launch the game right after. This is what I have best success with, but its far from 60% success rate.. I honestly don´t know what it works sometimes and other times it takes me 15min.. So please let me know how you guys do it. Thanks 🙂]

1: run NnLoader
2: run NnNav
3: run wow (i just run it from the blizz windows app)

I do these steps in under 6sek. so pretty fast, but not too fast, lol 😄
I dont touch anything, before NnLoader closes after game launch.

If somethings goes wrong. I go to NN site and kill my sessions.


New member
In reply to lameaim: [Thanks, this looks really helpfull. I will proceed with above. Appreciate it Larsson]

i also think u should get rank here, then its easier to get help. ( <#965894217941532683> )