New People Chat


New member
In reply to Eriksen

Can someone explain the current flee logic? It seemingly runs around in circles, resetting the leash timer by getting hit and then dying. I've found that <@284034538668032010>'s "Flee to road" plugin is far better - perhaps worth adding it as core to the product? Something different might need to be added for dungeons or other areas where a road/vendor can't be found to run to


New member
which one? bot is using this type of coords BANETO_DefineCustomTravelVector(-1193.7796630859,-81.316467285156,161.58917236328,1,[[some name]])


New member
you can get, if u use the settings for it.
I get a message from a app, when someone is whisperen me.
There is also a AI bot that can reply to them, but it can be a bit rude robot


New member
A baneto addon, that cost a few bucks. But then u will have a Master/slave combo.
Play a dps and a healer... or maybe just 2x dps