
In reply to Nocturne: [so it should skip then move to
``` if not IsPlayerAttacking('target') then
return player.Spells[autoAttack]:MaxRank()
end```` and start auto attack]

After doing this my shaman still won't cast attack.
Fixed the issue with shaman not attacking I replaced all entries of "Lightning Bolt" With "Attack" now my enhancement shaman will never dream of using lightning bolt and will use attack anytime his robot brain would usually want to throw a lightning bolt, primitive but so far effective
Now that enhancement rotation is working better after opening notepad and then clicking replace and replacing all Lightning Bolt with Attack my shaman is actually doing better as enhancement I recommend other folks at least try the same fix I did.


New member
In reply to Nocturne: [so it should skip then move to
``` if not IsPlayerAttacking('target') then
return player.Spells[autoAttack]:MaxRank()
end```` and start auto attack]

thanks, will try.
In reply to XXXXX

<@325613828564058124> if you play enhancement shaman use this rename it "Shaman" and add it to you Classes folder in the Addon's folder


New member
In reply to FenrirWolf: [<@325613828564058124> if you play enhancement shaman use this rename it "Shaman" and add it to you Classes folder in the Addon's folder]

perfect. thanks!