Waiting Room


New member
In reply to Azz: [I am not new to rotas, I am just trying to find a good wotlk DK one]

It will weapon swap for you, for insane Garry snap shots. PoP army at the perfect time. Rotation is more or less the same as the Fonas WA so you can be assured unless your rank 1 UHDK. This will be massive for you. you don’t get aches and pains for smashing buttons


New member
In reply to Shamlam: [It will weapon swap for you, for insane Garry snap shots. PoP army at the perfect time. Rotation is more or less the same as the Fonas WA so you can be assured unless your rank 1 UHDK. This will be massive for you. you don’t get aches and pains for smashing buttons]

if this is legit I am throwing wads of cash xD


New member
In reply to Shamlam: [It will weapon swap for you, for insane Garry snap shots. PoP army at the perfect time. Rotation is more or less the same as the Fonas WA so you can be assured unless your rank 1 UHDK. This will be massive for you. you don’t get aches and pains for smashing buttons]

got logs?


New member
Once you join you’ll get access to DK channel, you see my logs. I’m sure you’ll respect my confidentiality to out siders 😜


In reply to L

Please be patient as <@1141376515930599516>manually distributes keys, he will be on at some point i'm sure 🙂


New member
Hi, have never used botting, and i do not use Crypto. could u help me fully understand how does this work and what i need to start, for example farming gold with 3-5 accounts?


In reply to SuGaR^: [in classic SOM]

gtlauncher gtbot, you should open a <#1131900027455934634> if you do not have crypto