Waiting Room


New member
Yeah mine keeps dying, not getting ammo (hunter), decides to melee but not use spells like raptor strike, also stops meleeing all together sometimes and just dies. Also it runs back and forth between spots a lot. its been running for hours and dying and only level 5. Thing is pretty broken unfortunately 😕


You need to set up GT , run it, then it will generate data folder, within data folder please place your quest profiles and then run it from within game


In reply to Geekygreek7: [Yeah mine keeps dying, not getting ammo (hunter), decides to melee but not use spells like raptor strike, also stops meleeing all together sometimes and just dies. Also it runs back and forth between spots a lot. its been running for hours and dying and only level 5. Thing is pretty broken unfortunately 😕]

You need to have ammo set within Settings


New member
The quest accept should be fixed if you run questie at least, if you want a quick fix. But yes this quest mob issue and it doesnt attack is the same problem i have. You need to open up the profile editor and edit the quest file and then edit the basestep "priority target" and add the ID to the mobs it will be attacking.


In reply to fision: [hello family, I just got a subscription!]

heyhey, welcome, open a ticket and send order id to get verified! 🙂