Waiting Room


New member
In reply to SilentAce: [Let the person who paid for it give it away, he should get the fun in doing it!]

<@481473620888125461> LF some free food πŸ˜„


New member
i've got some unlockers and dungeoncrawler keys with 15-20 days left, would exchange for firemaw alli gold if anyone wants :p


New member
Im looking to start up botting again, i did bot in the glider / hb days but seeing all the bots i classic sparked my intressed again πŸ˜„. Anyone wanna fill me in how all the ban evasion stuff are working these days πŸ™‚ ?
Thinking of vms / proxies and how you pay for the gametime without using your real Credit card, dont want to get my main 2005 account banned πŸ˜„


New member
In the good old days i just gave a chinese guy like 2k gold and used the recruit a friend program as payment πŸ˜„