Bug Report

so like 2 or 3 steps before the flightmaster the char turns left runs slightly over the bridge and falls down like 3-4 more steps into the bridge


Hunter still rarely bugs out and doesn't restock, just spamming the "need ammo" ingame error. I kinda think the bot somehow misses the trigger sometimes that makes it realizes that it has fallen below the restock threshold.


Also, I see the Advanced combat rotation bot's licenses have been raised to 50, but I still can't select it in the bot, only on 1 of them. Website says I own it.


In reply to TSLlol: [Also, I see the Advanced combat rotation bot's licenses have been raised to 50, but I still can't select it in the bot, only on 1 of them. Website says I own it.]

Known issue. Innersilence will need to manually adjust on your account. Same thing happens to me


Afaik licence limit is applied when you "buy" the item.. it has no expiration so you can't buy it again and can't get the additional sessions. He will sort it out
this profile was working for fishing but the fishing bot seems to to be able to locate the bobber, i did a fresh install and deleted to %APPDATA% low pixelmaster tem folder, i made a fresh fishing profile as well as made new fishins profiles but the SimpleBot seems to have issues with finding the lure/bobber
In reply to Nocturne

<@171469009793843201> also i delete the lines from the strongauras addon but my shaman still refuses to add auto attack to his rotation line up


Yeah not really an expert on that sort of stuff.

I guess it's possible it's using the elemental rotation instead. That doesn't include auto attack


```function Shaman:Rotation()
-- addon:printf("Hunter:Rotation")
if not addon.binder.Enabled then return end
if self:CombatRole() == 0 then
local spell, isSelfCast = self:EnhanceRotaion()
return spell, isSelfCast
local spell, isSelfCast = self:ElementalRotaion()
return spell, isSelfCast