Bug Report

then by returning 0
``` if self:CombatRole() == 0 then
local spell, isSelfCast = self:MeleeRotation()
return spell, isSelfCast
local spell, isSelfCast = self:BoomkinRotation()
return spell, isSelfCast
end``` will default to MeleeRotation


New member
In reply to Gilwithcopium: [```function Druid:CombatRole()
-- 0 - Melee DPS : Will try to stick to the target
-- 1 - Range: Will try to kite target if it got close. Useful for hunters
-- 2 - Healer: Will try to target party/raid members and get in range to heal them
-- 3 - Tank: Will try to engage nearby enemies who targeting alies
if Player.Level < 10 then return 1 end
return self:GetSpecialization() == 2 and 0 or 1


```function Druid:CombatRole()
return 0

HUGE, Thank you AT!
In reply to Gilwithcopium: [Looks like a system to check for currency is required to make sure bot has enough money to restock food]

Auto restocking checks if the player has no money. Profiles need to either remove restocking or check if the player has bare minimum money
In reply to Innersilence: [Auto restocking checks if the player has no money. Profiles need to either remove restocking or check if the player has bare minimum money]

Yes I realised this today


There's some kind of issue with hunter ammo restocking. Had it happen a few days ago, where the hunter runs out of ammo and instead of restocking, it initiates combat and stands around spamming ingame error message saying it has no ammo. It worked again for a few days, then today again, ran out of ammo, and doesn't restock. Even after restarting the profile it doesn't go to restock for some reason, so I assume it's some king of bot bug, like it misses the point when it should go and restock. (it's set to 250 for me)


In reply to TSLlol: [There's some kind of issue with hunter ammo restocking. Had it happen a few days ago, where the hunter runs out of ammo and instead of restocking, it initiates combat and stands around spamming ingame error message saying it has no ammo. It worked again for a few days, then today again, ran out of ammo, and doesn't restock. Even after restarting the profile it doesn't go to restock for some reason, so I assume it's some king of bot bug, like it misses the point when it should go and restock. (it's set to 250 for me)]

were you using my profiles? cause i recently removed my restocking function in my profiles, since the bot has it built in now


In reply to Merdos: [were you using my profiles? cause i recently removed my restocking function in my profiles, since the bot has it built in now]

nope, its my own profile


New member
Running the attached profile. Didnt have any other flightpoints apart from theramore and ratchet, it wanted to run to stonetalon. So it ran my alliance char straight into the middle of crossroads.


New member
had alot of issues recently with cava 1-40 at lvl 18 from darkshore it wanted to go to eastern kingdoms and got error so i moved there my self and restarted but still the same error message