

In reply to Dildojo: [who is using it for rotation]

i don't remember his name. but he said he uses it for retail


In reply to Dildojo: [this is basically weakauras on steroids?]

yeah, initially that was kinda the idea. I was going to implement event<>action similar to how WeakAuras does it.
This works quite well for things like automatic potions, buff alerts/reactions and any other kind of "reactive" stuff. But this approach gets exponentially harder with increased number of conditions, that is where scripts come into play. It is very important to "feel" that moment when you better switch to scripting capabilities, otherwise you'll just drown in dozens of conditions.
I'll release new feature called behavior trees( in about 2-3 weeks, they should work brilliantly for rotations and any other kind of things with complex conditional logic.


this is a sneak peek of how they look like (ui is still in development and will definitely change)
already impemented features include:
- behavior tree is just another type of aura. It is stored just like any other aura, could be exported, imported, distributed as part of a pack, etc
- you can specify when to evaluate the tree - by timer, when linked auras has changed(HP became lower than 40%) or when one of linked conditions have changed(in one of the nodes value of linked aura have changed meaning that it may be wise to re-evaluate everythin) or combined
- you can use any nodes like sequence, ifthenelse to build logic, the state and current execution route will be highlighted for better understanding
- you can use ANY action/trigger that are already exist in eyeauras. They will serve as inputs to nodes, e.g. there is an Action node, which can run some actions. And any conditional node can get it's value from any aura (which will check you HP level, for example)
- you can extract some value from any aura action/trigger, e.g. you'll be able throw in node, which will read closest enemy position from Machine Learning Search trigger and set to to some variable. In all following nodes you'll be able to access that variable and, for example, shoot at the enemy if your cursor is close enough. This will be great fro aimbotting
- you can use C# functions/methods in it's full capabilities, i.e. every node is literally a small C# program with ANY functionality you'll decide to throw in