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furthermore, im not the one paying subs to get people's work for free and trading keys to people's software. im doing my own thing, i havent asked anything of anybody and havent stolen a single line of code off the numerous open source bots on github. dont try to drag me thru the mud just because you have nothing better to do.


In reply to KrombopulosMichael: [i'm always happy. i have been waiting to get support for setup though]

what kind of support is needed? did you create a ticket?


guys, last warnining keep this private. i don't want this stuff here on discord. we sure can discuss about bot related things here and im always happy about that, but nothing personal, that can be done via pm
In reply to pacokeks: [yeah, but probably wont bot on it]

if hc fresh is anything to go by, gold prices should be bonkers in the beginning


actually didnt read into it. but yeah there will be an artificial gold cap with the levels caps, but dont know if it will be rly worth that much then.. and im not really interested in playing it by myself, ill just try it out and stop probably, they already said its not a "Wow Classic " more like a try of smth which will be reset after a certain time
only one way to find out 😄 i regret not starting HC from day one, i wont do the same mistake again. at the very least the accounts will pay off themselves in a couple of days and ill just stop