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New member
Hi, I just recently bought the simplebot and tried to create a simple grinding profile. However, once the bot is finished killing 1 mob, it says "finished running profile" and stops working. Can anyone help me plz :X
Looking for guinea pigs to test Alliance Era Quest profiles. Starting areas 1-11 have been done.

These are Alpha quality at the moment. Have tested a few times with earlier iterations but many changes have been made since then.

There will be bugs, strange things that need fixing and probably a bunch of spelling mistakes as I rewrote them.

Looking for bugtesting, feedback and suggestions.

I will upload them to the store in a few hours.

Class quests included, class training at appropriate levels, flight master collection.


In reply to Nabimaru: [Hi, I just recently bought the simplebot and tried to create a simple grinding profile. However, once the bot is finished killing 1 mob, it says "finished running profile" and stops working. Can anyone help me plz :X]

You need ajust time for bot running, repeat counts (in grind TAB)


In reply to FinalTidus21: [After I select the profile it does not show up in the profiles and I cannot start the bot 😦 Any tips?]

what profile did you try? era or wotlk?


New member
Hello for the quest bot for SoD, where do i get the profile, do i just load up the file from the github and it will work ?
In reply to Frank789: [Hello for the quest bot for SoD, where do i get the profile, do i just load up the file from the github and it will work ?]

if you have license for questing bot
In reply to Cava

on our website you can add to your bot our questing profile from <@154620580614635520> but it's mainly focus for WOTLk