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Okay Classic Era people (Alliance).
Had some dramas with my kids last night. Found an error with my Human profile needs to be fixed, currently only to level 7.

Night elf is mostly done, just updating that profile to mirror my others.

Dwarf/Gnome needs investigation, experiencing some weird errors.

Seeking ***ALL*** feedback, suggestions, errors etc on this. Hoping to have 7-10 Human tonight (assuming kids cooperate) and Nightelf tomorrow night.
In reply to Nabimaru: [Does someone know why, everytime I try to login, it won't let me, until I try hard enough and it works? 😄]

when you lauch PM just wait 1-2 sec before click on connect


New member
In reply to Sericoncept

<@762966782179934269> is it possible to get a priest following me around healing me? Sorry for crude question.
In reply to FinalTidus21: [<@762966782179934269> is it possible to get a priest following me around healing me? Sorry for crude question.]

No sorry