New People Chat


New member
Could anyone here provide a start-up guide, like steps 1-5 or something like that. I have many issues launching the bot correctly. It´s very much roll a dice if it works or not. I often have to restart my PC 2-5 times before I can get it to work. I get session already in use when I fail on the first try. Bambo told me I had to start it fast, but I cant start it any faster than I do, and my PC is quick. What I do now is, Launch the two applications simultaniously from Nil, and then open the game from Battlenet asap. But It often doesnt work. Tips are more than welcome. Thanks 🙂 I get failed to inject WoWClassic 2A00 most of my trys


since you're not giving me the faction you're playing I cant give you an answer to that. But yes, there are free questing profiles included and alliance goes to 40 atleast.