New People Chat


New member
In reply to Bambo: [<@240180404181663745>you already said that]

weird, so the spot scan radius is 130 yd, which is plenty. Yet still it will actively engage only like the humanoid at Thunderaxe fortress but not the desolace beasts in the surrounding area
My ingame blacklists are clear. Could there maybe be an file I need to delete? Or are these mobs blacklisted by default?


New member
In reply to Kurllkrum: [<@341304807954317313> <@341913942924460036> The bot tries to go to Menthril Harbor/Hillsbrad by running through the wall behind the portal trainers in IF. Happens during free geinding ans questing profiles. My work around was to switch to travel and send it to Kranos, then Loch Modan, then Wetlands, then refuge point, before resuming. On same topic if it goes to any trainer in basement or upstairs it fails to use the stairs to get back to the door and I find it bearing it's head against a wall either above or below the door.]
