New People Chat


Active member
In reply to twistedtouch: [so i guess not thanks]

If you pay extra for it we will also personally sit together with you and set it up


In reply to Marcosmos: [Hello does this do rotations? Also does it it support season of discovery?]

Yes, rotations are included. Baneto also supports SoD, but if you want your rotations to do SoD-Rune Spells you can either use noro (our rotation builder) and add them there ( <#962373101532905572> ) or buy a premade rotation that includes Rune-Spells already on


New member
In reply to Neuroxium: [A warlock rotation is included, but not with runes. If you can a rotation with runes, you can either make one yourself using noro (our rotation builder, <#962373101532905572>) or buy one on]

Does your warlock dps profile Sod currently support fire destro with lake of fire?


New member
In reply to Enki: [Is it safe to do lvling/questing for 3 hours at a time or can you do more? Any tips for how to be safe]

I bot 8 hrs at a time, up to 16 hours a day lol


In reply to Kristian: [I bot 8 hrs at a time, up to 16 hours a day lol]

with like the basic questing profiles etc? 😄


New member
In reply to Kristian: [Grinding - I do quest though if I can watch the bot]

So I believe the way it works is by reports. The more you put your guy out there, the more chance someone will stalk you out of curiousity and report you. Beware man, beware.


New member
thats how i got banned from call of duty, if you go HAM players notice, you get reported, so you gotta make it blend in somehow


New member
I would even suggest cycling between chars every 4 hours or so. So if you're leveling an orc in noob zone for 4 hours, try another race and toon for the next 4 hours. It's the consistency of 1 char botting is dangerous imo.