New People Chat


New member
i was able to load it in game. But i still have my NNav closing on its own after a minute or so. Any recommendations other than the ones in the common problems to avoid the Nnav from closing?


New member
In reply to BigChungas: [lmk if you need help]

Hey. I was curious if you ran into an issue with the nav.exe closing on its own despite having the net framework installed and the c redistributable up to date? I can't seem to make it stop from closing. Thanks


New member
Been running the bot this morning and it's working great so far grinding mobs and gathering mats. couple questions, are there any high quality questing profiles which can be purchased? Ive seen some stuff for low level but nothing extensive. Also, is there way to update my balance druid's profile to use rune skills?


New member
Hello, I just bought the bot for 20 dollars. When i press download i just get a weird file that i cant open. What do i need to do? 🙂


In reply to Atlas: [Hello, I just bought the bot for 20 dollars. When i press download i just get a weird file that i cant open. What do i need to do? 🙂]

<#962373101532905572> <#965894217941532683>


New member
In reply to Neuroxium

<@343367590564855808> i just bought the bot before and here now in the guide u linked it says i have to buy unlocker BEFORE buying baneto. Does this mean im fucked?