
Cavas profile for example would have 400-600 (actually more taking into account skill training) lines of code for level 1-10. This was designed for WotLK. To adjust for Era would require a bit of work. not to mention the database avaible doesnt have locations of the removed quests from era so quest npc, mobs, etc all require xyz coords to be looked up or manually run to mob and check


In reply to Innersilence

since the update dk was changed and doesnt work <@240134432122601474> . who the hack would use ```function DeathKnight:pullAbility()
--if not Targets.PlayerTarget then return end
if Player:IsSpellReady("Death and Decay") then
return Macros["DANDD"]:MaxRank()```death and decay as an pull ability?
In reply to pacokeks: [since the update dk was changed and doesnt work <@240134432122601474> . who the hack would use ```function DeathKnight:pullAbility()
--if not Targets.PlayerTarget then return end
if Player:IsSpellReady("Death and Decay") then
return Macros["DANDD"]:MaxRank()```death and decay as an pull ability?]

I fixed this issue
In reply to FinalTidus21: [I'm back awake, hoping today I can get some help with my characters only flexing.]

Problem solved in your ticket.


Morning fellas, quick question. I tried using the bot, didnt work as I wanted to, but it seems that it has changed a few settings. FOr example the bag lay out and somehow my character targets mobs without me even clicking. Any idea how I can reverse these? (WoW Classic Era)