
In reply to Nabimaru: [Guys, my bot for the past 2 weeks has been just stopping in the middle of farming randomly, not doing anything.
I know this seems to be a relatively common issue but is there any fix to this planned?

I am playing SOD. (not herbing or anything, just killing spiders in duskwood)]

Open a <#1098481395648712735> bud


Not sure what mailing issue <@484532521175089162> means, but I did find that having the bot mail to a character on the friendlist doesn't work reliably, but that was on Blizzard, since it did the security check on the mail sometimes, eventhough the character was on the friendslist (doublechecked). So mailing to alt works best still, unfortunately.


In reply to SHRTS-Simon: [its yours 😄 Un Goro Crater Mining profile, the monster is stuck... but maybe because of the pet roation its not stopping to try?]

i do need the exact coordinate from the devtool (can be accessed with the eyer symbol)
In reply to SHRTS-Simon: [if this happens again, can i ignore it someway in the eye view?]

As Paco mentioned it should give up after a little and blacklist the mob temp