In reply to pacokeks: [also when the bot tries to restock with the new system it just hits escape over and over again, doesnt go restocking even if besides a merchant]
I had that happen when I messed up vendor IDs in the profile, worked fine after I fixed them ( although I'm not sure what happened with the numbers cause I had 60 set in the profile and in the bot too, but it bought 100)
In reply to TSLlol: [I had that happen when I messed up vendor IDs in the profile, worked fine after I fixed them ( although I'm not sure what happened with the numbers cause I had 60 set in the profile and in the bot too, but it bought 100)]
if not playeretKnowsSpell('Torment') then--we dont Have Voidwalker
if player:IsSpellReadyOrCasting("Summon Voidwalker") and Storage:IsItemReady('Soul Shard') then
needPreparation = true
prepAction = player.Spells["Summon Voidwalker"]:MaxRank()
return needPreparation, prepAction
if player:IsSpellReadyOrCasting("Consume Shadows") and player:GetPetHealthPercent() <= 75 then
if not playeretHasBuff("Consume Shadows") then
prepAction = player.Spells["Consume Shadows"]:MaxRank()
needPreparation = true
return needPreparation, prepAction
so every time combat ends, this code causes the warlock to dismiss the succubus, start to summon voidwalker, stop, and resummon succubus. Then combat -> dismisses succubus again, sum void, stop, sum succubus, combat
me neither, but the way the rotation file is configured as far as I see, is it summons the "biggest" pet, so till lvl10 imp, after lvl10 voidwalker, after lvl20 succubus
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