

In reply to Gyu: [Is there a way for it to recognize a whole sprite that in different part of the screen]

Show me a screenshot in dm of what exactly you want to find.


New member
In reply to linqse: [Show me a screenshot in dm of what exactly you want to find.]

It's from MapleStory


In reply to Gyu: [Is there a way for it to recognize a whole sprite that in different part of the screen]

that is like literally the main functionality 😄


In reply to Xab3r

<@310330290826641409> that last guide on image search showed me a way of using it that i haven't realized before. can't wait for the model training guide.


New member
In reply to Xab3r

<@310330290826641409> that last guide on image search showed me a way of using it that i haven't realized before. can't wait for the model training guide.


New member
In reply to Xab3r: [that one is quite easy, I'll put up a guide later today. In short, you can use:
- Color Search(Matchematical mode) which captures the region where HP/MP bar is placed, target color should be set to WHITE (pixel value 255)
- Color Replacement Image effect which replaced parts of bar which are filled with white color(value = 255) and parts which are not with black(value = 0)
- Configure Color Search to track for White color and use Mathematical comparison mode, which will basically calculate AVERAGE color in the region
- considering the fact that you have only 2 colors (black = 0 and white = 255), similarity % will be EXACTLY how much HP/MP you have right now]

i've done this. i used effects to turn the D4 health globe into two solid colors and calculate how much is filled. i've been running it and it works, however i am not satisfied with it. the D4 health globe changes color at times (shield, vulnerable etc) plus even in normal circumstances it's not a solid red but a swirling gradient of colors. this with the detection often. can any give an optimal aura for this?


I am not playing d4, so can only guess - have you tried to make the image grayscale and only then apply color removal? That way you can negate visual effect of most states


I remember I've done it that way for mage shield and it worked without any issues - I've selected a vertical bar (10-15px wide), then applied grayscale and color removal


by the way, swirling should not ever-ever up the detection, that means that the color removal effect you've applied is not aggressive enough - it must "eat" all these swirls and leave only pure black and white


yep, now make it so some HP will be missing, this will give you two distinct color - black one, where there is no HP and gray/white/whirly in the part where there is some HP