Main Chat


The short answer is, because that's how it is.

The long answer is complicated and has been covered several times.

Not all quests are done due to many factors; class strength, bots ability etc.


If you have further questions please direct them to <#1123140737664548904> . Include the profile, class, race, level, which specific quests you're talking about, how and why your suggestions should be implemented etc


New member
hey folks, new user here with (potentially) dumb questions:
I don't intend to bot on my main account, probably just for farming mats in SOD on a secondary account.
Can Pixelbot be used in background, or does the WoW windows need to be in focus?


New member
yes, sorry if I wasn't clear. I haven't botted since Glider and HonorBuddy, so I'm not sure what the best approach is these days 😄


New member
does that mean I can also lock the screen (win L) and the bot will continue to work? I assumed pixel bots needed to "see" the window