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In reply to Nocturne: [Background mode will require memory reading to function]

it is hybrid pixel bot, does some memory reading. you probably mean memory injection to pass the movement functions to the window.


In reply to HomHetHum: [it is hybrid pixel bot, does some memory reading. you probably mean memory injection to pass the movement functions to the window.]

Sorry been a long day. Thanks for the correction
In reply to HomHetHum: [it is hybrid pixel bot, does some memory reading. you probably mean memory injection to pass the movement functions to the window.]

there's no need to inject to move your character. you can move your character with winapi functions OR being internal utilizing ctm and others. if by background you mean alt tabbed, theres no problem sending virtual inputs to a specific window via the windows api


New member
In reply to Bobipudkata: [there's no need to inject to move your character. you can move your character with winapi functions OR being internal utilizing ctm and others. if by background you mean alt tabbed, theres no problem sending virtual inputs to a specific window via the windows api]

It's best to use a keyboard hardware event because the client can tell if it's virtual and eventually you will run into captcha codes.
Hail, I was wondering can you make a change to shaman rotation to use auto attack as soon as a mobile closes ranhe my shaman won't attack with melee


In reply to SenpaiArcticWolfie: [around how much do you think gold farming makes per day? useing the bot asking anyone that has done it in here.]

as in Dollars or gold?


Hi all, how i can select that the bot buys Bullets for a Gun ? My Hunter is now only pet pulling because He dont buy Bullets