New People Chat


New member
In reply to llllllll: [instead of using NORO rotation, how can i set my own rotation? Baneto loaded NORO rotation automatically and i can not edit rotation.]

With noro u drag and drop .
Otherwise just use The free ones .
If u play classic/wotlk


In reply to Hr.larsson: [With noro u drag and drop .
Otherwise just use The free ones .
If u play classic/wotlk]

no i play retail.


In reply to WokeMindVirus: [Anyone has the discord for noro question?]

You need the customer rank in order to see those channels, /rank


New member
when i install packs from the community store, will some of them automatically just work? Like a pack that buffs other players, i dont need to do anything to have that run with my profile?


New member
In reply to SirJK: [when i install packs from the community store, will some of them automatically just work? Like a pack that buffs other players, i dont need to do anything to have that run with my profile?]

Depends what you've downloaded. If it's a plugin you can simply turn it on under Bot Settings > Baneto Plugins and tick it


New member
In reply to Bambo: [or we ignore the questions that get asked 100 times per day]

updated healing guide would be appreciated ❤️ ty for your work


Hey, looking to become a customer. Just looking for some advice. Realistically, what kind of specs should i look for in hardware to be able to run 10-15 instances of the Baneto Bot? I haven’t been able to find documentation on that anywhere. Was considering setting up a “server” (just a normal cheap PC build) that i remote into, and run. What would be recommended specs for something like that? Any help is super appreciated