New People Chat


lmaooo i do appreciate that. I’m familiar that classic is super easy to run, i was just curious if anyone has any recommended specs to run like 10-15 clients at once. I believe i read that Baneto supports SoD, right?

Also, final question, what are Baneto rules when it comes to having it run on “different machines”. like if i set up a server to run a VM while running Classic on the main hardware, will Baneto flag me for that? I appreciate all the help!


In reply to Bambo: [Wow runs on a toaster]

also off of this point, i wasn’t completely sure if Baneto itself was intensive like a scripting bot, or if it was pretty efficient.


does WoW ping HWID in their antibot? I would run it in several proxies, just nervous to put all of my eggs in one basket in regard to running all the botting instances thru one machine if that makes sense


gotcha. Is it usually reports than ping you? i’m used to OSRS botting and it’s not bad as long as you don’t run 24 hour sessions


appreciate it! i’ll update. Planning on having a little gold farm for my main and writing some scripts for the community if i end up committing to Baneto


New member
In reply to Bambo: [Did you put the _banetoloader4.nn in your scripts folder?]

Jesus thought i was very minute when reading the steps, missed that one. Will have a try.


Active member
In reply to Sinyk: [Hi, I just bought a token and it wont let me attach it to an accountg]

Open a ticket and show me the token and where you are trying to "attach" it <#1174412524549062797>


New member
In reply to Bambo: [Open a ticket and show me the token and where you are trying to "attach" it <#1174412524549062797>]

Yeah i filled out a ticket