New People Chat


my one button farmer is not moving from the point where I start it? also my other plugin that showed the xp/hour isnt working


yesterday i was going somewhre hitting 1 button farm and it was just roaming the area. I got the plugin to make that radius smaller now and it doesnt work at all anyymore


New member
In reply to Bambo

<@341913942924460036> What is step 25 in Alliance EK 20-40? Its just standing there.. cant get it to continue for some reason


In reply to Skeptix: [but i cant get the plugin kiwireset to run either - it doesnt tell me xp/hr on top of baneto anymore]

whats the issue with KiwiReset? Also the xp/hr is done by Baneto, hit the spanner icon up the top if the menu isn't visible then hit the spy glass icon down the bottom right to toggle the info above the Baneto frame


New member
next question, looking to use something for sod.. how is horde leveling/questing or does anyone have any recommended profiles or anything for horde questing/leveling?


In reply to glyph: [yo, couple questions: 1 is nilname the only unlocker compatible with BT?]

NilName for Windows, Tinkr for Mac. No other unlockers are supported atm


New member
In reply to Halenir: [like it has parkinson's disease? what do you mean exactly?]

Kinda 😄 I can see its because of the micro adjustments, its the camera that is jittery,


In reply to Tereith: [Kinda 😄 I can see its because of the micro adjustments, its the camera that is jittery,]

Are you using the bot in classic? Double check that smooth turn is toggled on in Bot Settings bottom left, that makes it look smoother