New People Chat


New member
In reply to Halenir: [Are you using the bot in classic? Double check that smooth turn is toggled on in Bot Settings bottom left, that makes it look smoother]

It is turned on 🙂


New member
In reply to Halenir: [fps issue]

If i hold right click down, i can see the movmeent is smooth and there is no problems. Its the camera that feels jittery


New member
Im curious if there are free questing profiles for alliance (WOTLK). I saw some paid ones but already spent so much just trying this thing out for the first time.

Playing NE Hunter at the moment.


New member
Im level 32 and whenever i use Alliance EK 20-40 it takes me to westfall. Is there a way i can tell it to start the bot from a certain level, instead of it doing low level quest?