

Did anyone have the same problems? When using bot on classic era sod the bot always disconnects from game. Using Kernel and Background Mode. Tried several fixes but nothing worked for me.
In reply to FDK: [I have additional spells in SOD Classic, can I add these spells to the class rotation?]

Yes can be done via the class.lua file
``` if player:IsSpellReady("Sunfire") and not target:HasDebuff("Sunfire") then
return player.Spells["Sunfire"]:MaxRank()

for example
In reply to Innersilence: [Did anyone have the same problems? When using bot on classic era sod the bot always disconnects from game. Using Kernel and Background Mode. Tried several fixes but nothing worked for me.]

Ongoing issue afaik.

I think <@240134432122601474> is looking into it?


In reply to Gilwithcopium: [Ongoing issue afaik.

I think <@240134432122601474> is looking into it?]

Didnt get a answer on the Ticket.
Not something I can have control over unfortunately.
I'm just a volunteer.

Have pinged Innersilence. They're usually pretty good at responding once pinged. May have been busy at work/life etc


New member
In reply to Gilwithcopium: [Been running in VM since June. No bans]

What vm are you using? VM ware? I once tried to run the game on a virtual machine, but I couldn’t add a video card