

In reply to Gilwithcopium: [No clue if it'll help you, can't test ATM]

seems to have fixed it for me! warrior is using it and it's not spamming chat. Thanks!


Hiho, it happened to me now that i bought a wrong profile, i did not remember which goldfarming profile i got (either pacokeks or cava), wanted to buy the same one again since it has a mining profile in the barrens in it, and i bought one that didnt have a mining profile in the barrens..
can i get this switched? or refunded and buy the other one then?


New member
Hello. I try to use backgrund mode to run wow on my PC, and I either get disconnected after few seconds or I recieve this error
Is there anything I can do to fix this?
In reply to СИМП: [Hiho, it happened to me now that i bought a wrong profile, i did not remember which goldfarming profile i got (either pacokeks or cava), wanted to buy the same one again since it has a mining profile in the barrens in it, and i bought one that didnt have a mining profile in the barrens..
can i get this switched? or refunded and buy the other one then?]

Open a <#1098481395648712735> mate


In reply to Nabimaru: [Hello. I try to use backgrund mode to run wow on my PC, and I either get disconnected after few seconds or I recieve this error
Is there anything I can do to fix this?]

Got the same thing if remember correctly there was no fix


New member
Guys I have a problem where my grinding bot just randomly stops doing anything after like 10 minutes. Does this also happen to anyone else?


Yeah i think i read some where it is because of skinning, Herb And mining. i turned it off and it runs hours


New member
Whenever someone got spare time, could you check druid rotation? I know people have mentioned the mangle issue for SOD. I've tried moving around things in the rotation file but I couldn't make it work. Thanks in advance!