

New member
[War] 09:50:42 - It seems background method is not working. If this problem persists after restart use other input methods.
[Err] 09:50:42 - Input method is not ready. Please go to settings and setup the input method.


When i start the bot it runes for \- 10 min than my wow freeze and my bot to. Some one have the same problem?
In reply to goblingon: [[War] 09:50:42 - It seems background method is not working. If this problem persists after restart use other input methods.
[Err] 09:50:42 - Input method is not ready. Please go to settings and setup the input method.]

Try changing the settings and changing back. Click the play arrow on the bot top left before starting a profile..I have had success with this.
In reply to zutfill: [When i start the bot it runes for \- 10 min than my wow freeze and my bot to. Some one have the same problem?]

More information please.

Win 10/11?
Is this on a specific profile?
Specific class?
Specific area?
QuestingBot or SimpleBot?


Win 10 its with auto loader from paco. With more classes and with more zones happend in westfall, elwyn forest with questbot


In reply to zutfill: [When i start the bot it runes for \- 10 min than my wow freeze and my bot to. Some one have the same problem?]

you have Enhanced features ticked in the options. Innersilence said he'll fix it sometime. Just uncheck it for now, or else it constantly crashes wow sadly
I should probably do some testing in SoD? I've run background mode recently for 20 hours testing some Era stuff with enhanced features enabled


btw how do you guys deal with the questingbot stopping after skinning/gathering? Is there any way to get it running again automatically?