Waiting Room


In reply to Bantiarna: [Hey yall! Im new to all of this so apologies in advance if its been asked/spammed about before, and if so, just please direct me to the right location of finding the info!

I saw a few post up that the bot could be used for parsing, is this true even at SoD lvl 25 gameplay aswell? (I know i know, classic andy cant press the only 2 buttons there are haha) But im still curious! Thanks]

Hey! yeah for sure


In reply to Ltdash: [Can I get verifired?]

Yes, can you please open a ticket or if you have an open one, tell us what you got


New member
Is there loaded profiles for the gt bot that will level/quest for me from 25-41 in the new SOD phase, and is there a profile for wsg or will I have to map my own?


New member
Hello everyone, I was considering GTBot, but found that it appears its windows Only? (although i did see a mac lua unlocker?). can anyone confirm whether or not I can run in crossover or parallels while the game is running in mac?

(hoping not to dig out a windows machine)