Bug Report

In reply to pacokeks: [then the restock function from the bot seems to buy both and doesnt check for the current weapon]

No, you must set a restock amount greater than zero for bot to buy either ammo or bullet


In reply to Innersilence: [No, you must set a restock amount greater than zero for bot to buy either ammo or bullet]

i did, so if you set for example 1000 to both the restock function buys both?
In reply to pacokeks: [can you add a check what kind of weapon the user is wielding?]

Using the database yes. You can find the weapon id and check if subclass is for bow or gun etc. But It will be expansion dependent. Also, lets say player looted better gun than the current bow, bot will equip and then it has no bullets to use it. This is the other reason Cava is buying both
both restocks arrows and bullets separately based on what u set in the profile (only for hunters ofcourse for other classes u need to manually buy)


New member
I was curious when i started with hunter how it recognize what wep i have. But he restocked with only arrows(always used bows since lvl1) and has done until now


In reply to Kimsan: [If char dont use FP, was that a botbug or in profiles? Classic era]

Depends, are the flight points known?


New member
In reply to pacokeks: [Depends, are the flight points known?]

Yes, southshore > arathi highlands alliance
But i removed mailfunction and it just vendor everything now instead of running arathi>SS