Bug Report

strange, mind flay is also channled but bot uses this
``` elseif Player:IsSpellReadyOrCasting("Mind Flay") then
return Player.Spells["Mind Flay"]:MaxRank()``` and it works
In reply to Kimsan: [Where do i type that in?]

``` if not UnitIsDead('pet') and player:HasActivePet() and player:IsSpellReadyOrCasting("Mend Pet") and player:GetPetHealthPercent() <= MEND_PET_AT and not player:petHasBuff("Mend Pet") then
return player.Spells["Mend Pet"]:MaxRank()
``` if not UnitIsDead('pet') and player:HasActivePet() and player:IsSpellReadyOrCasting("Mend Pet") and player:GetPetHealthPercent() <= MEND_PET_AT then
return player.Spells["Mend Pet"]:MaxRank()
In reply to strauch: [Bot getting stuck in Icecrown when flying, worked fine before the patch. Getting this message:]

I will test that profile now, but pls if possible send me the video when this is happening in a DM or ticket


In reply to Penta: [i dunno if is just me but is not flying or mounting even when i put favorite mount]

yeah working on it right now, having similiar issues


In reply to Penta: [also killing bethween hotspot without having it activated]

my profile? then its normal, got it in the profiles


New member
oh yeap is the jormungar scale but since my server is super poppulated it get stuck killing elites and die over and over again


In reply to Penta: [oh yeap is the jormungar scale but since my server is super poppulated it get stuck killing elites and die over and over again]

i already excluded those, it only happens cause it gets infight with them, nothing to do with killbetweenhotspots, since i declared which mobs to target only