Bug Report


New member
Hi, i still have this problem. How to fix it? I also found something else. The bot simply does not start, displaying only initial information. He writes it in the logs and just stands there. Already deleted the addon in wov. Reinstalled the drivers. Reinstalled the bot completely, but nothing helped. And with the analog of this profile from PixelMaster the problem is that sometimes it just flies away. Once while using pixelmaster horde mining profile 1-450 I noticed that the bot just flew high into the sky and stopped there, and then on the same day I saw it fly to grizzly hills for some reason. This was all on pc, I didn't use a virtual machine.


The starting issue can be fixed by reloading in game, sometimes the addon doesn't initialize correctly (can be seen in the squares on the top left), the other issue still looks like a navmesh issue, try re-downloading the bot from scratch with a new folder and only the updater


New member
Hunter classic era:
Mend pet he cast and interrupt instantly like its not a channeling spell. But out of combat i works fine

Runs with aspect of the cheetah, finds a mobs and switches to Hawk. When mob is killed it switches to cheetah instantly even if there is a mobs close enough so a aspectswitch isnt needed. A little delay between ever mobkill would be nice
(Not sure where to put this)
In reply to Kimsan: [Hunter classic era:
Mend pet he cast and interrupt instantly like its not a channeling spell. But out of combat i works fine

Runs with aspect of the cheetah, finds a mobs and switches to Hawk. When mob is killed it switches to cheetah instantly even if there is a mobs close enough so a aspectswitch isnt needed. A little delay between ever mobkill would be nice
(Not sure where to put this)]

issue due to mend pet being instant in wotlk


``` if target:GetHealthPercent() <= 20 and player:IsSpellReadyOrCasting("Hammer of Wrath") then
return player.Spells["Hammer of Wrath"]:MaxRank()
``` if not UnitIsDead('pet') and player:HasActivePet() and player:IsSpellReadyOrCasting("Mend Pet") and player:GetPetHealthPercent() <= MEND_PET_AT and not player:petHasBuff("Mend Pet") then
return player.Spells["Mend Pet"]:MaxRank()