Free WoW Fish Bot Auto Discussion


New member
This is more of a macro question, but can you have it check for an active lure? I noticed when the lure is already active and it tries to apply a confirmation window comes up.


In reply to Всеслав: [hi guys, I want to use a bot on the turtle wow server, but it works very bad. can someone help me with this?]

Try Vanilla(splash) or tweak sensitivity value as said in the warning when you choose Turtle settings.


In reply to Всеслав: [this doesnt change anything]

This is game settings, it doesn't have to do anything with the bot. Again, try Vanilla(splash) with installed Legion textures (as prompted in warning when you choose Turtle WoW), or try Turtle WoW settings but tweak sensitivity value in Critical section (in the Advanced Settings). You can also try from the 1st person view. You can also read some hints here:


New member
so i think i have the same issue as someone above - bought premium, the bot seems to be clicking when no fish is caught. the freeware version never did that.


In reply to Athrai: [so i think i have the same issue as someone above - bought premium, the bot seems to be clicking when no fish is caught. the freeware version never did that.]

Strange, in terms of color recognition logic Premium is the same application. Can you test it in the same place and the same settings on Public version to confirm?


New member
In reply to jsbots: [Strange, in terms of color recognition logic Premium is the same application. Can you test it in the same place and the same settings on Public version to confirm?]

its weird.

I restarted the bot, and it started working just fine, i turned off fatigue, sleep, etc etc.
but now it works just fine