Bug Report


In reply to pacokeks: [issue is, it isn't really easy to replicate, sometimes it runs just fine, sometimes it does it after 30mins]

same thing here


one thing I'd add is it seems to happen more on my warrior compared to my warlock, so it may be related to some combat range thing? Otherwise I'm out of ideas


Had it happen 3 times in the last hour and I recorded it, all 3 times it happened right after skinning. Seems like skinning sometimes triggers some function that bugs out, I've detailed it in my ticket, just writing here for paco to see too


In reply to JohnLoder: [New Bug. Not able to send Mail. Error Occurs. Not able to Send more then 12 Items and stucks and goes offline]

are you trying to send to the same account?


New member
Guys I am running simple grinding bot on SOD Era. I am running 2 bots. On my laptop the bot functions perfectly, but on my PC the bot stops farming after like 10-20 minutes and then logs out. There is usually no error message in Logs.
Is this an issue that affects other as well or just me?


Yea its been happening a lot to me too. Do you have skinning enabled? Mine usually bugs out after skinning or gathering and just goes afk


New member
No I didnt have any gathering or anything. Was just using simple bot with a profile I made for my leveling toon. Its weird how it works perfectly on my laptop but just stops on my pc


New member
In reply to JohnLoder: [New Bug. Not able to send Mail. Error Occurs. Not able to Send more then 12 Items and stucks and goes offline]

To fix this I just checked find mailbox/seller automatically. W/O that my profiles get stuck


In reply to PepaPig: [To fix this I just checked find mailbox/seller automatically. W/O that my profiles get stuck]

Are you using my profiles? Cause they are all programmed in


New member
In reply to pacokeks: [Are you using my profiles? Cause they are all programmed in]

Yes, sometimes it get stuck. Usually if you start your profile w/ 0 space in bag