Bug Report


but BasicCombatClasses doesn't work at all for any classes, so I can't bot with Warlock Pala Rogue, or any class that's not on Advanced at the moment. Bot enters combat, and doesn't do anything.
Correct as TSLlol describes.
Log is something like
`Combat Started`
Bot uses pull ability, then stands still not even facing mob, as soon as combat finishes it loots and continues with task


New member
In reply to Innersilence: [Hi, what professions your char has? Your clinet language is english right?]

Professions are herbalism and skinning. Both had been working fine before this. Keyboard and client are English.
In reply to Ladge: [Professions are herbalism and skinning. Both had been working fine before this. Keyboard and client are English.]

Pls open a ticket. Need to check it with u


In reply to Innersilence

I'm sorry to report so much, but there's a new bug since todays update 😦 Now for some reason when Questbot wants to mail items to empty bags, it runs to an NPC to sell, then runs to a mailbox, and instead of mailing, it runs back to the last interacted NPC for some reason. Then says "Running to mailbox to mail items" again, runs to mailbox, then to the last NPC again, then mailbox again, then NPC again, and then it says failed to mail items, skipping. Does it on all my characters, on all profiles. (it very rarely works on the 3rd attempt at mailing, but 80% it fails and skips) <@240134432122601474>


it then reloads the UI and continues the profile as normal, but the items it tries to mail become grey in the inventory and you cant do anything with them until you relog


In reply to Innersilence: [<@228201090405892098> runnning back to last interacted NPC happened with different NPCs or just one particular NPC?]

last interacted NPC. So different depending on the profile, it was usually the repair NPC that was defined in the profile as closest to the mailbox, thus different depending on the profile and location of the character. Again, what happens is: bot gets bags full -> runs to npc to sell -> runs to mailbox to mail (fails) -> runs back to npc -> runs to mailbox to mail (fails) -> runs back to npc -> runs to mailbox to mail (fails) -> runs back to npc -> Mailing failed after 3 attempts.

It also does some command in the chat when it runs back to the vendor, which doesn't do anything.


New member
Runs to mailbox -> waits 1 milisecond, sends nothing, runs away to other npc, then back to mail and repeats the cycle 3x then leaves town


New member
I caught one cycle and paused bot and mailed myself. I mailed everything but 1 linen cloth. When I resumed the bot it instantly mailed the linen cloth and then resumed farming. That was the only time ive seen it mail successfully.
In reply to TSLlol: [last interacted NPC. So different depending on the profile, it was usually the repair NPC that was defined in the profile as closest to the mailbox, thus different depending on the profile and location of the character. Again, what happens is: bot gets bags full -> runs to npc to sell -> runs to mailbox to mail (fails) -> runs back to npc -> runs to mailbox to mail (fails) -> runs back to npc -> runs to mailbox to mail (fails) -> runs back to npc -> Mailing failed after 3 attempts.

It also does some command in the chat when it runs back to the vendor, which doesn't do anything.]

I am working on a new mailing support atm.


oh no 😂 😂 I think this is a one-off bug, but I stepped away from the PC for 5 mins and the bot got into a selling/restocking loop bug and I come back to this lmfao